Out of action

I am sure that there aren’t many people left in the world who don’t know that I am injured, I’ve been whinging about it enough. I have not been able to run for approximately two long months now and for someone who is used to running almost every day it is extremely frustrating. I see others out jogging and I feel envy (if you run you probably empathise. If you don’t run you most likely think I am a nutter). It’s not like I am a natural or that I am talented in this sport but I do enjoy it and I was proud of how I was gradually gaining ground in an increasingly able fashion. Oh well, the marathon ambition rests on the shelf – for the moment anyway.

There is, I believe, a reason for everything that happens to us. In dark times it may take a while to become evident, however it surely is all part of a bigger game. Isn’t it? I have decided that the reason for my injury is so that I diversify my exercise regime. Attending a class or training session in a sport to which you are unaccustomed can be a daunting experience. I braved it and have since found a few new activities which I love. Thank you universe for striking me down with a strained tendon.

I will run again and when I do I will appreciate a whole lot more the fact that I can.


One thought on “Out of action

  1. Your Dad is a retired PE teacher and it has taken this long for the legacy to be fulfilled- better late than never. Better never late.

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